TVF Morphing Glasses
~TVF Morphing Glasses~
For Personal/Commercial use
Please credit Skuny#0087 when using commercially!
Glasses with shape keys to change the shape/style.
Single mesh, multiple glasses
Shape key for Rounded, Oval, Rectangular w/ soft edges, Rectangular w/ harder edges, Tumblr glasses? idk, aviators, retracting blinders, lowering glasses
Shape keys can be combined to further tweak the shape of the glasses
3760 polys
Includes armature head bone
2k Textures for Base color, Height, Roughness, Metallics, Normal map, Ambient Occlusion
Includes unity package
Use with Poiyomi Shaders!
>You may not resell the asset
>You may not share this asset with anyone else
*If you think anything might be broken/bugged on the asset, please DM Skuny#0087, join the discord, or download the latest version, it might already be fixed!
TFF Morphing Glasses